A certified women’s health coach. A seasoned presenter. An experienced trainer. A female who has been on her own menstrual journey. Combining all of these tools to support others.

At the age of 14 I was put on the contraceptive pill to help balance both my physical and mental symptoms as a result of starting my periods six months prior. After trying five different iterations, I found one that “worked’ - my bleeding eased, my moods didn’t. I was offered anti-depressants, CBT and anger management support, left feeling like something was really wrong with me, I spent years questioning how to fix my “problems” combined with taking a pill at 8am every morning - for 13 years.

Fast-forward to 2018, I began tracking my cycle - recognising the shift in my emotions was cyclical. I began understanding my internal changes were telling my external self how to think, feel and act - it was mind-blowing. I’d spent so long thinking I was damaged goods, only to discover how wrong I was - what I was experiencing was not only normal, but common. It got me thinking, how many other girls and women felt like I did?!

I’ve spent the last three years understanding myself entirely. I have researched the science and applied the mindset shifts to enable practical application. I’m now ready to support others out there ready to take the plunge into knowing more about their cycle or that of those women they support.