Olive-Avocado specialises in raising awareness on the topic of menstrual health. Empowering women and those who support women, to understand more about their internal barometer in order to drive external happiness, performance and success.

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About Olive-Avocado


The more we can understand, the more equipped we are.

Olive-Avocado’s mission is to change the landscape of menstrual awareness - what happens internally and what that means for external avenues. Around 50% of the population are directly impacted by this topic and arguably, the other 50% indirectly in some capacity, yet there is still so much unknown.

Through the programmes ran by Olive-Avocado, we’re committed to raising awareness on what happens through the different stages of menstrual life - giving women and those who support women, the knowledge and tools to work in conjunction with, not against their cycle.

Olive-Avocado doesn’t just stop at the cycle, we address other topics that have baring on female wellbeing and performance, including stress, boundary setting, people pleasing and beyond. Why? Because we want to ensure you receive the whole package so you can leave our programmes feeling informed but more than that, have practical tools to start making the changes you want to.

Ready to learn more, head over to our programmes page to see what topic you want to explore first!


The average age we begin menstruating in the UK is 12, with menopause occurring around the age of 51 - that’s 39 years of our lives. This is why we’re committed to helping women and those who support women to understand more about the cycle to work in harmony with their hormones.


“This training was honestly life-changing.”

Emily D - You’re Not Failing programme

“The programme totally exceeded my expectations.”

Anon - You’re Not Failing programme